The School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS) provides eligible school students with free or subsidised travel on public transport between home and school, on trains, buses, ferries and long distance coach services.
If a student lives too close to the school to be eligible, they may still be eligible for a Term Bus Pass which provides discounted travel on buses between home and school for the whole school term.
Students with a disability who are unable to travel to and from school under the School Student Transport Scheme may be eligible for assistance under the Department of Education Assisted School Travel Program
See Who needs to apply
Travel restrictions
If provided with a School Opal card or school travel pass the student must comply with the Student Codes of Conduct.
The School Opal card or school travel pass can only be used for approved travel on school days between the student's home and school or college between 6.30 am and 7.00 pm (6.30 am and 9.30 pm for TAFE students)
The Scheme does not cover travel to and from:
- before and after school care or child-minding premises
- before and after school activities
- school excursions
- sports events
- work experience
- Vocational Education and Training (VET) at a location away from where the student is enrolled
- multi-campus high schools, weekend schools, pre-schools or mini-schools (except for full-time geographically isolated distance education students).
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