Students attending Chifley College Dunheved undertake two transition phases and they are provided with a range of networks that support their negotiation of these processes.
Year 6 into Year 7
Dedicated staff attend our primary feeder schools once a fortnight. This strengthens relationships between school settings, teachers and students and encourages ongoing communication to enable smooth transitions.
Programs are run throughout the year to support students in their move from the primary school to the high school environment. These opportunities include information sessions, taster lessons and invitations to some of our school events.
Students transitioning into the College may apply for a scholarship which provides monetary and other support for successful applicants.
Year 10 into Year 11
At the completion of year 10, students leave Dunheved Campus and move to Chifley College Senior Campus in Mt Druitt.
During their final year, students have the opportunity to participate in the transition program and attend information evenings, select their subjects for senior studies and meet teachers from the Senior Campus.
This process is supported by staff at Dunheved, as well as staff including a deputy principal, year adviser and school counsellor from Senior Campus who all can provide support in any aspect of a student’s transition.
Head Teacher Community and Transition (acting)
· Ms Janet Hughes
Stage 4 Transition Adviser
· Mr Lachlan Crowe
Stage 5 Transition Adviser
· Ms Sushma Sharma